CM Punk may be training for his first UFC fight next year. But he’s still on the minds of wrestling fans. Punk’s impact on the business is undeniable and he left behind quite the legacy in WWE. One of his biggest accomplishments in WWE was his 434 day WWE Championship reign and it was on this date, December 5th in the year 2012 that he became the longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era.

3 years ago today CM Punk broke John Cena’s 381 day record as WWE Champion even though he was out of action because he had knee surgery the day before. John Cena took to Twitter on this day to comment on the milestone saying:

“Injured or healthy, today CM Punk is the longest reigning WWE champ in the modern era. It would be hypocritical not to acknowledge and respect it.”

“Sometimes luck is as valuable as skill, but the record books will not say it was a ‘lucky 381 and counting,’ it’ll just say 381 and counting.”

“I do wish CM Punk a speedy full recovery. He will need EVERYTHING he has to even step into a ring with The Rock. I know from experience.”