Bully Ray And Tommy Dreamer Think Shane McMahon Should Fight In UFC

shane mcmahon

TMZ recently caught up with Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer, and they asked the former WWE stars if they consider Shane McMahon to be a good wrestler. They both noted that they aren’t sure if they would consider Shane a wrestler in the traditional sense, but they also both praised his performances inside the ring.

Tommy Dreamer told TMZ that he thought Shane’s match with AJ Styles at WrestleMania 33 was solid, and that Shane doesn’t get enough credit for doing the things he does. Then Dreamer said something a little unexpected when he suggested that Shane McMahon needs to fight in UFC.

“I also think the world should have Shane McMahon enter UFC, because he is a real badass, and he would fare well in UFC. There’s a lot of guys who like to talk smack like a Conor McGregor. I would love to see Shane McMahon go to UFC, because I think he would choke some dudes out, or knock them out.”

Bully Ray was then asked if he thinks Shane would do well in UFC, and he said, “there’s no doubt,” before praising Shane for his resilience.

“Shane is like that rabid pitbull that will fight until the death. Even if we’re backstage and just kidding around, and horseplaying, and wrestling in the back, he has to win every single contest. You are not going to keep him down. You’re gonna have to kill him to beat him.”

Do you think Shane McMahon would do well in UFC? Sound off in the comments below.



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