shinsuke nakamura

NXT brought their live show to the fine folks in Tampa Friday night for an event that left nobody disappointed. The show featured a Battle Royal to determine who would face Shinsuke Nakamura in the main event of the evening.

Patrick Clark ended up winning the Battle Royal to get a shot at Nakamura at the end of the night.

Kassius Ohno was in the house to take on Elias Samson, the crowd in attendance was incredibly happy to see Ohno who won in the end much to the delight of the Tampa fans.

Apparently Samson attempted to delay the inevitable by stopping the match for a song, this didn’t go over well for The Drifter, to say the least.

Roderick Strong was in the house and beloved by all fans in the building. He won with a Sick Kick over Kona Reeves.

Gran Metalik and Drew Gulak had a match to represent 205 Live during the NXT event. Drew Gulak ending up taking a Metalik Driver for the loss, but fans were still thoroughly entertained by this match-up.

Shinsuke Nakamura took on Patrick Clark in the main event of the evening. Although it was expected that Nakamura was going to win, Clark still got a few good shots in on The King Of Strong Style. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough for him as Nakamura hit the Kinshasa for the win.

Shinsuke’s entrance is just as amazing live as it is on television by the way, as proved by this amazing video captured by one lucky fan who got a very close look at Nakamura during his famous entrance.