Backstage News On Two Ideas That Were Pitched For Shawn Michaels’ Role At WrestleMania 32


Shawn Michaels was the guest on this week’s Off The Top Rope segment on SportsCenter. He hyped up WrestleMania 32 and hinted that he would be in attendance for the event.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that two ideas have been pitched for Shawn Michaels’ role at WrestleMania 32. One of the ideas is to insert Shawn into the main event as the special referee to stack the deck against Roman Reigns. It’s been rumored for a while now that WWE has been considering adding a special guest referee to the Triple H vs Roman Reigns match.

The other idea would be to have Shawn Michaels do some sort of run in during an unspecified match. The idea would be similar to what he did last year with DX and the NWO and he would be part of a bigger group of legends doing the run in.


  1. HBK’s interference would have made sense if it was Seth Rollins going against Triple H in the main event, not Roman Reigns. They already had a confrontation on the mic where Seth claimed to be HBK 2.0. Man, that makes me miss Rollins even more.

    • Rollins isbin training whatbifbthey both interefere. Rollins pedigrees Roman so Triple H goes for the cover, kicks out HBK runs out and super kicks at Rollins oblynto hit triple turns around an gets neaekyvpedigreed, shawn pushes out, superman punch + sweet chin music, spear takes rollinsnout, hbkbwalks away hunter gets up confised, turns, spear. 1. 2.3. Rollins is reprimanded by Hunter the next night for screwing uo. Hunter says hes gotta be ounished, seth double crosses an pedigrees hunter an stays thebsame, but is a face now an they wrestle at extreme rules for use of the pedigree. Rollins lands a pedigree an phoenix splash, rollins conquers his boss, is entered to MiTB. Reignz turnz heel saying hebdoesnt wantbhelp from rollins nor dean, no love lost between the 3 now. Dean wins mitb, but the prior ppv? Triple threat shield match. Rollins wrestles romannafter mitb, dean cashes in, wins the belt sfter Rollins winsbit to thunderous applauss, deanbgets a major Pop when he pins himm he states “Double crossing really is a bitch huh? “B former brothersbhave a feud with rollinsversus hunters goons inbthe middle, ROMAN Being ONE nowm dean defends Against L.o.N, roman. Rollins, thebwuatt family etc. Just thoughts


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