The WWE Raw commentary team was switched up during the WWE Draft, and when it was all said and done Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin and Jerry Lawler were the ones sitting behind the commentary table.

However, Dio Maddin was written off TV a few weeks ago when he was attacked by Brock Lesnar, and it was confirmed this week on WWE Backstage that Samoa Joe will be taking his spot until Joe is able to return to the ring.

Bryan Alvarez noted on Wrestling Observer Live that Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn did not like Dio Maddin’s commentary work.

It was also noted that they were going to try and re-train Maddin on commentary, but it appears that Maddin has decided he wants to be a wrestler again.

At this point it’s not clear who will be taking Dio Maddin’s spot when Samoa Joe returns to in-ring competition.