It’s been an interesting year for CM Punk as he’s popped up at several different wrestling events including the recent Impact tapings. Haus of Wrestling is reporting that while CM Punk was not at Bound For Glory he did attend the Impact Wrestling TV tapings at Cicero Stadium the following day. Punk reportedly showed up just before the tapings began and was taken to the locker room.

CM Punk previously attended an Impact event back in April which got a lot of attention. This time he arrived closer to bell time in order to avoud a scene. Throughout the taping CM Punk spoke with anyone who wanted time with him including key Impact talent. It’s being said that because CM Punk attended an event back in April his presence didn’t faze anyone as they were more used to him.

Punk didn’t get to spend much time with Ace Steel as he was busy working as a producer during the Impact Wrestling TV tapings. Steel has been warmly received backstage since joining the company and according to the report he seemed happy to be back at work.

It’s been reported that the door is open for CM Punk to work with Impact Wrestling, but there’s currently no word on whether or not he’s interested in signing with the company.