It looks like Austin Aries may have suffered an injury during the NXT live event in Fresno, California on Wednesday night. Aries teamed up with Samoa Joe to take on No Way Jose and NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura in the main event, but the match was stopped by the referee.

Shinsuke was trying to powerbomb Aries coming out of the corner, but Aries reversed it into a hurricanrana. When Aries stood up and turned around, he walked right into a big kick from Nakamura. Shinsuke tried to continue with the match, but the referee legitimately told him to back off, and then the ref threw up the X.

The specifics regarding the possible injury are unknown at this point, but Austin Aries did walk out of the event on his. Fans in attendance even noted that he heeled it up on his way out by talking trash to the audience.

You can check out a video clip below.