bruce prichard

Judging by the hundreds of thousands of downloads it gets each week, Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard is one of the most popular wrestling-related podcasts out there, if not the most popular.

Something To Wrestle offers a unique perspective from other wrestling podcasts as Bruce Prichard is one of the few people to actually be there when many of the WWF, WWE and TNA’s key events took place. Co-host Conrad Thompson — also known for podcasts he has done with Ric Flair and Tony Schiavone — sets up Bruce with the questions and leads needed to tell great stories and clear up rumors.

Now 38 episodes into Something To Wrestle, there are certain things that long-time listeners know to expect when listening to an episode of the MLW hit. There are plenty of call-backs, insider jokes and bits that fans may find themselves quoting to other listeners.

In turn, for the readers of Still Real To Us who choose to imbibe, I have prepared a Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard drinking game for their enjoyment. The beverage you choose to enjoy does not have to be Miller Lite, which Bruce and Conrad seem to have made their drink of choice, but make sure that you enjoy it responsibly.

The Rules Of The Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard Drinking Game:

Mix & Match – Take 1 sip for every 5 of the following occurrences:
– A less-than-smooth segue into a commercial
– Bruce doing a Jerry Jarrett impression (e.g. “Well, you know,” “Huh?”)
– Bruce doing a Dusty Rhodes impression
– Bruce doing a Jim Cornette impression
– Bruce doing a Terry Funk impression
– Bruce doing a Roddy Piper impression
– Bruce doing a Randy Savage impression
– Bruce doing a Paul Heyman impression
– Bruce doing a Pat Patterson impression
– Bruce doing a Mil Mascaras impression
– Bruce doing a Vince McMahon impression that includes the word “pal” or “goddamn”

Mix & Match – Take 1 sip for every 3 of the following occurrences:
– Bruce uses the word “pronouns” when doing a Vince McMahon impression
– Bruce disputes the amount someone claims they were paid
– Conrad using the term “rumors and innuendo”
– Conrad asking Bruce if something is a rib
– Conrad mentioning a wrestler’s “demons”
– Conrad correcting something from the prior podcast
– Conrad makes a suggestion for a new t-shirt
– Conrad inquiring about Bruce’s partying at a particular event
– Conrad says “roll tide”
– Either host references “the box of gimmicks”

Take 1 sip for every 1 of the following occurrences:
– Bruce saying something less than complimentary about Dave Meltzer
– Bruce singing Jeff Jarrett’s 1990s WWF theme
– Bruce doing an angry Vince McMahon impression
– Conrad mentioning that a wrestler “couldn’t have been nicer” when they met
– Conrad referencing a wrestler and noting that he doesn’t know when they’ll get to talk about him again
– Conrad asking Bruce about a wrestler’s pay-off
– Conrad having a fake outburst towards Bruce not being cooperative
– Conrad doing a half-hearted Hulk Hogan impression inclusive of the word “brother”
– Conrad referencing a future podcast about Houston wrestling
– Conrad taking a long paused in the middle of saying the name of the podcast
– Conrad calling himself “the mortgage guy” outside of a commercial
– Conrad uses the F-word while stating the name of Brutus Beefcake
– There is a reference made to The Red Rooster

On the most recent episode of the show — a look into Hulk Hogan’s 1987 run with WWF — it was announced that Bruce and Conrad will be live at the Gramercy Theater in New York City on August 19th for an afternoon show. Tickets go on-sale on Friday, April 7th.

Those unable to make it to the Gramercy who still want a chance to speak to Bruce, well, all they have to do is order a shirt from Bruce’s Pro Wrestling Tees store as he reportedly calls everyone who orders a shirt.

Coming soon: A drinking game for What Happened When? starring Conrad and the voice of WCW, Tony Schiavone…?