Matt And Jeff Hardy Reincarnate The TNA Tag Team Titles, Threaten To Delete Impact Wrestling

jeff hardy

Matt and Jeff Hardy parted ways with Impact Wrestling a few weeks ago, but the separation has not been easy for them. Impact Wrestling officials have been battling The Hardys over the rights to the Broken Universe, and the legal battle has been a very public affair.

When The Broken Hardys parted ways with Impact Wrestling, they were still in possession of the TNA World Tag Team Titles, and Matt Hardy has been teasing a big reveal in regards to the fate of the belts.

The brothers have left us all hanging in suspense, but now their plan has been revealed. Matt and Jeff Hardy uploaded a new video to YouTube and in the video they declared that they will be the last ever TNA Tag Team Champions, as the TNA name is dead, and the company is now officially known as Impact Wrestling.

The Hardys dumped the TNA Tag Team Titles in the Lake of Reincarnation and after they pulled them out the water new title belts were born. The belts have been reincarnated and they now feature the words “Broken Brilliance” which presumably means they are now the Broken Brilliance Tag Team Titles.

“We will be the final TNA Tag Team Champions, because now the titles exist here and we will keep them forever. We will remember the unappreciative, ungrateful, evil, awful Anthem owl men, and how treated us on our exodus from Impact Wrestling. For anyone at Impact Wrestling who dares challenge our Broken Brilliance, this is our answer for you… DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!”

There you have it folks, the TNA Tag Team Titles have officially been deleted, and if Impact Wrestling officials continue to challenge Matt and Jeff Hardy, it looks like there’s a chance they could be deleted as well.



    • We do? Thanks for letting me know. I thought I was enjoying myself. Little did I know… it was time to move on. Thank you, Move-On Fairy!

  1. Can someone explain the “Fvck That Owl” image that flashed after they tossed the belts in the lake? What do owls have to do with anything?

  2. […] 2. WWE star Triple H recently spoke with ESPN and has the highlights here. You’ll want to read this if you are wondering what the WWE trainers thought of Enzo Amore. Also, Triple H talks about the difficulty of wrestling after a long layoff and trying to be a part-timer. 3. Matt And Jeff Hardy Reincarnate The TNA Tag Team Titles, Threaten To Delete Impact Wrestling We posted about some of the changes at TNA, including the Hardys leaving TNA, back on March 1. Well, that was hardly the end of that story. Matt and Jeff Hardy have been battling with Impact Wrestling over the rights to the “Broken Universe.” Also, the Hardys managed to take the TNA World Tag Team Title belts with them. If you want to find out the fate of the belts, you will want to read this article at Still Real To Us. […]


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