CM Punk’s Profile Page Has Returned To


CM Punk has been a hot topic among wrestling fans thanks to a cryptic photo John Cena posted recently. As if John Cena posting a CM Punk related photo wasn’t enough to get people talking, CM Punk’s profile has returned to the alumni section of You can take a look by clicking here.

As we all know, Punk had a major falling out with WWE in 2014 and the company pretty much tried to erase him from existence. There also doesn’t seem to be a shortage of bad blood between the two parties. It could be nothing. But this is the world of professional wrestling where every nothing could always be a something. 

Punk announced that he had signed a deal with UFC in December of 2014. But here we are in February of 2016 and CM Punk has yet to fight. Mickey Gall was chosen to be CM Punk’s first opponent in the octagon and Dana White announced that Punk would be fighting this year. White had been talking about adding the Punk/Gall fight to the UFC 199 card, but it’s unknown at this point if Punk will be ready because he recently had to undergo back surgery.

Punk has remained adamant in interviews that he’s focused on his MMA career, but most fans want to believe there’s a chance he could return to WWE someday. Will it ever happen? Well, you can never say never in the world of professional wrestling. But even if Punk never returns to WWE, at least his profile has returned to the alumni section of That’s better than nothing right?


  1. How bizarre. Hard to believe that he would come back, but totally WWE’s m.o. to blow the surprise by putting him back on their website, or on a poster for a PPV… morons.


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