young bucks

The Young Bucks are one of the most popular tag teams in the world right now, and they’ve done quite well for themselves without the backing of a major company such as WWE. The Young Bucks have never signed a WWE contract, and at this point they’re not sure if they ever will, but there was a point in time when The Bucks were members of the Global Force Wrestling roster back when GFW was known as TNA.

Related: AJ Styles Predicts When The Young Bucks Might Sign With WWE

When the team joined Total Nonstop Action in 2009, they took on the name Generation Me, and instead of going by their real names, Matt and Nick Jackson, they were renamed Max and Jeremy Buck. It was a weird time for The Young Bucks, but eventually they parted ways with the company.

Even though their run with TNA didn’t work out quite the way they wanted it to, it inspired them to reinvent themselves, and they’ve managed to build up a strong fanbase over the last few years.

A fan recently asked The Young Bucks if they would ever consider returning to GFW to fight for the tag team titles, and they referenced Vince McMahon’s theme song to let the fan know that there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

Fans won’t be seeing The Young Bucks in GFW any time soon, but the company did recently announce that fans can expect to see AAA star Pangano and Taya Valkyrie make appearances on Impact in the weeks to come.