john cena

John Cena is one of the most successful wrestlers in the history of the business, and he’s taken on all comers in the wrestling ring. Cena has showed no fear when facing off against some of his toughest opponents, but now it looks like he could be set to go toe to toe with Ford in courtroom.

TMZ reports that Ford has filed a lawsuit against John Cena with the U.S. District Court in Michigan, because Cena violated a contract when he sold his $500k ’17 Ford GT.

According to Ford, Cena signed an agreement stating that he would hold onto the car for two years, and he was “selected from thousands of applicants for the opportunity to purchase the Ford GT.”

Ford issued the following statement on the matter:

“Mr. Cena has unfairly made a large profit from the unauthorized resale flip of the vehicle, and Ford has suffered additional damages and losses, including, but not limited to, loss of brand value, ambassador activity, and customer goodwill due to the improper sale.”

Ford is now demanding that Cena give them any profit he made from the sale along with other damages.

According to the lawsuit, John Cena did inform Ford that he sold the car, and other property in order to pay bills.

John Cena released a video featuring footage of the car just a few weeks ago which can be seen below.