sexy star

There are many wrestlers working to apply their craft all over the world, and even though they may not always get along behind the scenes, they have a responsibility to look out for one another, and keep each other safe when they’re inside the ring. Unfortunately it sounds like Sexy Star went into business for herself Saturday night at AAA Triplemania XXV.

Sexy Star defended the AAA Reinas de Reina Championship against Rosemary, Lady Shani and Ayako Hamada, and she made Rosemary tap out after applying her armbar submission. But after Rosemary tapped out, Sexy Star continued to apply pressure to the arm, and it was later reported that she legitimately popped Rosemary’s arm out of place.

PWInsider reports that the injury is not as serious as originally thought, and Rosemary isn’t expected to miss any time in the ring. The report notes that before Sexy Star left the venue, Vampiro brought her to Rosemary so she could apologize.

It’s also being reported that Sexy Star and Shani were legitimately shooting on each other at one point during the match, and Star quickly left the venue after apologizing to Rosemary, and Shani was said to be looking for Star because she was upset over their interaction in the ring.

You can check out a quick clip of Sexy Star locking in the armbar on Rosemary below.

It’s very clear that the wrestling world is not happy with Sexy Star at all, and you can check out some of the reactions below.