Will Ospreay Praises Randy Orton, WWE Polls Fans On Smackdown Live


When we first heard there was going to be another brand split there was a lot of nervousness surrounding the idea. It’s no secret the first brand split didn’t keep to the exclusivity we were promised, therefore not a lot of people were very hopeful WWE would be able to deliver.

WWE has stayed true to the brand-exclusive aspect of the extension, apart from the Orton/Lesnar angles leading to their Summerslam bloodbath. Both shows seem to have a different feel, a unique roster, and even appeal to a different audience.

Raw has been hit or miss ever since the split and it really has nothing to do with the fact it’s an hour longer. There just haven’t been the compelling storylines keeping us glued to our televisions and they’ve seemed to rely on names such as Goldberg and Brock Lesnar to keep people interested. Not to mention the fact that Roman Reigns still isn’t popping off like they’d like him to.

Smackdown on the other hand has delivered consistently. There have been a few duds along the way, but the blue brand is consistently the better show. This week’s episode was no exception and we’re not the only ones who agree.

WWE put out a poll last night asking fans whether or not they enjoyed last night’s #SDLive. We’re not sure who was in the 29% of people that gave it a thumbs down, maybe they’re just not fans of fire. Because last night’s episode of Smackdown was indeed fire.

Will Ospreay is a name WWE wants ever so badly. Instead of signing an Evolve contract to get him closer to Vince’s Circus of Slams, he opted to go with Ring of Honor and New Japan for now. The young talent was involved in some of the best matches of 2016 and continues to set the world ablaze. So, naturally he’s a fan of fire too.


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