Why All In Could Be An Even Bigger Deal For Cody Rhodes


Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks sold out the All In event in just under thirty minutes breaking records and blowing the minds of their doubters in the process. True, a lot of tickets were bought up by scalpers who are now charging extraordinary fees for the once-reasonably priced tickets but that’s another story. The bottom line is that the event is a sell-out and I can only guess what kind of things are rumbling backstage in WWE right about now as Chicago prepares for an elite night of pro wrestling.

So far the only match announced for the All In card is Cody Rhodes vs whoever the NWA Champion will be at the time. It could be Nick Aldis if he is still NWA Heavyweight Champion. Either way, someone is putting the NWA Heavyweight Title on the line against the American Nightmare in Chicago on September 1st.

Cody could win the NWA Heavyweight Championship at All In and he really should. His father was NWA Heavyweight Champion three times and not only would it be an amazing nod to Dusty Rhodes’ memory but it could also elevate the NWA Heavyweight Championship in a big way if Cody Rhodes held the title.

Nothing against Nick Aldis because he is a fine champion and has held the title for 156 days and counting at the time of this writing. But Cody Rhodes has international appeal and a much larger fanbase than Aldis and if it happened at a groundbreaking show like All In this could be a spotlight moment in Cody’s career and for the NWA Heavyweight Championship.

Only time will tell if Cody Rhodes will walk out of Chicago on September 1st with the NWA Championship but it won’t be an easy fight because Nick Aldis is a very tough competitor. If anything, Aldis could always use someone like Cody putting him over if The American Nightmare fails to capture the NWA Heavyweight Championship at All In.


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