smackdown women's division

Nikki Bella recently posted a video on the official Bella Twins’ YouTube channel and it took a rather interesting turn. Nikki is wrapping up her last day of filming season two of Total Bellas. It looks like they got it over with in a hurry.

So, that answers your question if we’re going to see Brie Bella have her baby or Nikki getting married during season two of Total Bellas. Because neither of those things have happened yet and they’re already wrapping up the filming of season two.

After the pleasantries, and revealing the flowers Brie got for her wedding anniversary Nikki Bella said that Charlotte better watch out because she’s coming for her. It didn’t seem like a very serious threat because Nikki is out of character. But, the fact that she would say that at all certainly means that once Nikki Bella comes back to the ring she’s going be all business.

Brie and Nikki are obviously rooting for the blue team. After all, Brie’s hubby Daniel Bryan is SmackDown General Manager, and Nikki is SmackDown for life at this point. They both boast how SmackDown Live is the land of opportunity. Jose and Winston, their French Bulldogs even agree.

Later in the video, the Bella Twins go get some vegan shakes. Nikki and Brie make baby Birdy Joe do some exercise. Nikki puts her hand on her twin sister’s stomach and feels her unborn niece kick. It’s really quite entertaining.

Lana recently posted a picture of her hubby Handsome Rusev on Twitter. Apparently, Rusev wanted a grape vine so he got one. The Bulgarian Brute just grabbed some tools and got to work.

Rusev and Lana might be getting split up when they return to WWE television, but it’s good to know they’re spending every moment they can before they hit the ring. Rusev’s shoulder looks to be doing better if he’s able to do some manual labor like this. Maybe Lana should’ve tried yelling: “Rusev build!” and he would have beat John Cena at WrestleMania 31.