Only Vince McMahon Knows Where The Roman Reigns Mystery Attacker Storyline Is Going

vince mcmahon

Over the last few weeks Roman Reigns has been trying to uncover the identity of his mystery attacker, and the storyline has dominated WWE programming.

Erick Rowan revealed that he targeted Roman Reigns, but Daniel Bryan has denied any involvement.

This week on SmackDown Live, Rowan let his aggression out on Reigns and Bryan, and it was announced that he will face Roman at Clash of Champions.

Dave Meltzer was asked on Wrestling Observer Radio if the Clash of Champions match is a red herring that will lead to a match with Bryan, and he said that the only person who knows where the storyline is going is Vince McMahon.

It was also noted that originally the writers probably had a plan in place for the storyline, but Vince McMahon has changed it week to week, creating new holes in the story, such as the fake Rowan that was introduced.

Where do you think this storyline is going? Are you looking forward to Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan at Clash of Champions? Sound off in the comments below.


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