Erick Rowan Getting A New Look

erick rowan

Erick Rowan has found himself in one of the biggest storylines going in WWE right now, and he’s currently set to go one on one with Roman Reigns at Clash of Champions.

For months now Erick Rowan has simply been wearing casual pants and t-shirts to the ring, but it looks like he’s going to be switching up his look.

Kim Dylla of Kylla Custom Wear, who has worked on gear for other wrestlers, recently took to Instagram to note that she recently fitted Erick Rowan in some cool new gear.

She posted the following on Instagram:

“#TodaysOffice : #WWE @wwe #SmackdownLive 🎬 Just finished fitting my good friend @erickredbeard #Rowan in some cool new #Kyllacustomrockwear gear ✂️ WWE #MetalShirt club #TodaysShirt selections repping @enslavedofficial and @solstafir_official 🤘 #JustVikingThings”

Do you think it’s time for Erick Rowan to get a new look? Sound off in the comments below.


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