impact wrestling

India is a hot topic within the wrestling community as of late thanks to Jinder Mahal. At WWE Backlash Jinder Mahal defeated Randy Orton to capture the WWE Championship for the first time, and now he’s the top heel on SmackDown Live.

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WWE is reportedly pushing Jinder because the company wants to expand into India, but they’re not the only company doing business in the Indian market. Impact Wrestling is currently taping in India, and during the tapings a big title change took place.

Sonjay Dutt managed to win the X-Division Championship for the very first time in his career at the tapings, and after he took the title from Low Ki members of the locker room made their way out to the ring to celebrate.

Dutt recently returned to Impact Wrestling a few months ago when the company relaunched. When he returned, he hyped up the fact that he’s one of the pioneers of the X-Division, but he’s never held the title.

He inserted himself in the X-Division Championship match when he returned, but it was Low Ki who walked away with the belt on that night, but now Sonjay has finally realized his goal.

Congratulations to Sonjay Dutt.