Roman Reigns Issues Statement Regarding Steroid Allegations

roman reigns

Roman Reigns was recently identified by convicted steroid dealer Robert Rodriguez as one of his clients. This came at a terrible time for The Big Dog, especially with WrestleMania looming so close and with his name projected to be on the top of the card once again.

WWE takes this kind of report very seriously as evidenced by the fact they suspended eleven people in 2007 when they were implicated in a steroid ring as well. Of course, those allegations were substantiated and reported by a credible source in 2007 when ESPN broke the story about the Signature Pharmacy fiasco which saw so many top superstars suspended. It wasn’t just someone who is currently incarcerated giving an interview over a speakerphone.

But it looks like Roman Reigns isn’t going to let stories build too much because he already released a statement and it sounds like he’s distancing himself from the situation as much as possible.

Reigns issued a statement saying: “I have never heard of Robert Rodriguez or Wellness Fitness Nutrition. I learned from the mistake I made nearly two years ago and paid the penalty for it. Since then, I’ve passed 11 tests as part of WWE’s independent drug testing program.”

This is a good tactic because the wording was quite precise, but only time will tell if there could be documents to prove otherwise. But let’s take Roman Reigns for his word. After all, he has passed eleven drug tests since then. So by all accounts, he’s still clean and an extremely hard worker as well as physical Samoan specimen.

We will keep you updated with more information as we get it. But for the time being it sounds like Roman Reigns has no idea who Robert Rodriguez or Wellness Fitness Nutrition is.

Reigns has a huge career ahead of him so there’s no need to risk it at all by cutting corners and being caught again. Let’s just hope this story isn’t true because the thought of Roman Reigns being suspended once again could really halt his current momentum.


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