Road Dogg is the current WWE Senior Vice President of Live Events, but he was previously involved with creative during his run as lead writer of SmackDown. Recently Road Dogg talked about WrestleMania 34 on his Oh You Didn’t Know? podcast and he admitted that he felt he missed the ball with Aiden English who competed in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal that night.

“Great dude. Great body, great wrestler, great voice. Couldn’t pick a nicer guy. And I don’t know. I will say I missed the ball with him.”

During his time on the SmackDown brand Aiden English was a big part of what helped Rusev Day become one of the most talked about acts in wrestling at the time. When Road Dogg was asked whether or not Rusev or Bobby Roode was a bigger ball drop for WWE he praised both wrestlers while acknowledging that the company dropped the ball with Rusev at the height of his popularity.

“I think Rusev. [But] I think Bobby Roode is a great hand, Bobby Roode doesn’t get used enough right now. I think Rusev and Aiden English, there was something there with Rusev Day, we saw that. We felt it. We set it up … We made Rusev Day from a creative standpoint … but yeah, we dropped the ball with Rusev.”

Which wrestlers do you think WWE dropped the ball with over the last few years? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.