Perry Saturn Is “Weeks Away From Being Homeless”

perry saturn

Professional wresting takes a toll on people, there is no health insurance and there are no retirement plans. Perry Saturn is a man who made his mark in the ‘big 3’ promotions during the 1990s into the 2000s, and he needs our help.

In recent months he has made several pleas for help from fans because he is in such dire straights. He has been experiencing a multitude of health problems as of late and he is finding it a constant struggle to stay afloat. Saturn took to Facebook to make a personal plea stating that he is “just a week or two from being homeless”

The video is highly emotional and ended abruptly after Perry makes the statement that he has nothing left. He currently has started a GoFundMe page and has currently received just over $15,000 of his $100,000 goal.

He is suffering from a traumatic brain injury and is suffering from dementia, sensitivity to light, and constant headaches. He is losing time and experiencing heavy ‘brain fog’, which is a symptom of his condition. He can no longer work or even drive a car.

He requires constant medical support and he reports that even his necessary brain scans are $2,500 a piece. On top of everything else, he is apparently finding trouble to take care of even his most basic necessities.

Saturn has meant a lot to his fans over the years and gave his body for the sake of sports entertainment for his initial 14 year run in professional wrestling. His financial hardships required him to return to a very limited independent capacity in 2011, but he hasn’t wrestled a match in nearly 4 years.

If you would like to donate you can do so by clicking here, and you can also check out his latest Facebook video below.



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