Orange County Choppers are the folks behind so many ridiculously awesome motorcycles and championship trophies alike also designed the current WWE Universal Title. The OCC guys recently sent out a tweet that could indicate a new design is on the way. Although it looks to be the exact same design as the one Kevin Owens currently holds, the fact that they’re making a new belt might indicate that there will be a new champion very soon (or possibly even tonight).

WWE historically lets talent hang on to their titles after a good run with the belt, and Kevin Owens as the longest running Universal Champion to date would certainly be a prime candidate to get to keep his title so he can hang it in his son Owen’s room for years to come.

Finn Balor has been Twitter silent for the past three days and some fans are wondering where he is, but more importantly, how his injured shoulder is doing. Last night Balor reemerged on Twitter, but only to retweet a fan who says that he got to meet the Demon.

If you’re wondering where Horde Deathguard (who happens to be a very popular member and partner of the Twitch community) got to meet Balor, he says that they ran into each other at an airport in New York. Horde Deathguard also noted that he doesn’t know where Finn Balor was heading, so with all the rumors circulating at the moment, it’s possible that Balor could have been San Antonio bound. We’ll find out one way or another tonight.