Before Broken Matt Hardy’s body housed an ageless spirit, he was just Matt from the Hardy Boys. The two brothers left audiences in awe due to their death defying stunts that still scatter highlight reels anytime WWE puts together a ladder match promo package, or a “don’t try this at home” disclaimer.
Rumors have been circulating about where Matt and Jeff might end up now that their Impact Wrestling days seem to be behind them and most fans want them to come “home” to WWE. The Broken One even spent some time responding to messages which he had left unreplied to for months due to the recipient’s current employer.
Matt recently retweeted a social media update from WWE Network which reminded fans what this particular day in history meant to Matt in 2007.
Looks like Matt’s getting sentimental about his WWE days, and we see that as a good sign.
Matt also made a reference to his popular “Matt Facts” which were once a staple of WWE programming.
When news broke yesterday saying Bruce Prichard was hired on to Impact Wrestling, this writer was shocked. The former Brother Love has made it no secret he didn’t have the best time in Dixie Carter Land during his previous run with the company.
Now that Dixie’s been sent back to the farm (or wherever she’s from) things have changed greatly for TNA and Bruce Prichard’s opportunities in Impact Wrestling.
The official twitter account for “Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard” put up a notice saying some episodes might get deleted very soon so people need to download them while they can.
We’re not sure what the exact reasoning for this is; whether its due to content or the fact they’ve simply done so many they’re running out of space. But, it’s certainly a message that needs to be put out there and also heeded throughout life in general. Appreciate what you love while you have it, because you never know when it could be gone.
That is not a rib.