Hall Of Famer Thinks Vince McMahon Put Too Much Pressure On Former WWE Star

vince mcmahon

For decades Vince McMahon was in charge of WWE and it was up to Vince when it came to which Superstars he wanted to push to the top of the card. It was clear that Vince McMahon had taken an interest in Lars Sullivan when he arrived on the main roster, but Sullivan’s push didn’t work out quite as expected due to a variety of reasons.

Road Dogg recently opened up about Lars Sullivan’s WWE run during an episode of his Oh You Didn’t Know? podcast and he noted that he thought Lars was going to be something special. However, Road Dogg also added that Sullivan may have walked away from wrestling because Vince McMahon put too much pressure on him.

“I didn’t get to know Lars that well, to be quite honest with you. Look, I thought he was, I thought Lars was going to be something special in this industry, a good guy when I met him, respectful. I don’t want to use the word in a derogatory way but freak of nature, like he’s, he has, I don’t know what it’s called, but gigantism or whatever. But so he was probably six, two or three, but 320 pounds of solid muscle like man, you know what I mean? Like it was incredible.

And so I just thought oh, this guy is going to be somebody, Vince thought the same thing. I think it put too much pressure on the kid and he kind of backed out of it all. You know what I mean? And so I don’t know but I thought, I thought he’s gonna be somebody. And the other kid is somebody who just beat Miz, and won about 12 grand the other night in a ladder match on Monday Night Raw.”

Lars Sullivan originally reported to the WWE Performance Center in 2014 and he made his TV debut with the NXT brand in 2017. He was called up to the main roster in 2019 but the company went on to release him 2021.

Lars Sullivan bulldozes his way back into WWE action: SmackDown, Oct. 9, 2020

H/T InsideTheRopes.com


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