
Ring of Honor’s Manhattan Mayhem VI will certainly go down as one of the most substantial professional wrestling shows of 2017. It may not be regarded for best worked matches, but it was certainly full of surprises and professional wrestling fans love those surprises. Case in point: The Broken Hardys debuted last night unannounced and not only won the ROH Tag Team Titles, but also announced they were signing with “The Honorable Ring” instead of MeekMahan Land.

Related: The Broken Hardys Are The New ROH Tag Team Champions

There were reports Bubba Ray Dudley was in talks with Impact Wrestling for a return, but when a deal couldn’t be made, Jeff Jarrett’s new Impact Wrestling regime went with Alberto El Patron as their choice. Turns out, Dudley found another place to go rather quickly.

Adam Cole put his ROH World Title on the line against Bobby Fish and almost lost his match several times, including a sick top-rope falcon arrow which took our breath away.

After Adam Cole’s successful defense, some of The Bullet Club baddies started a beat down. They pretty much destroyed Fish and set him up for a table spot but at that moment Bubba Ray Dudley ran down as well the Briscoe Brothers to make the save and cut a vicious promo while the crowd chanted “ECW” and “F— TNA.”

It’s unknown what kind of contract Bubba Ray has signed, but it is certainly a good get for ROH. The Broken Hardys might be a bigger draw in regards to putting butts in the seats, but Bubba Ray is a proven high profile name and will only serve to further legitimize the Ring of Honor brand.


  1. Awesome acquisitions, but the Hardies will eventually go to wWe. To rOh fans in attendance, for shame cursing out tNa. I expect that from nerdy wWe kids who never watch anything else.