Fans Lash Out At Paige After She Makes Comment About Alberto Del Rio


As much as some would like to sweep it under the rug, the fact is that Paige and Alberto El Patron are very much a legit couple who are engaged to be married.

There were a number of people who didn’t think this relationship would last due to the fact Paige was notoriously featured on Total Divas to be a commitment-phobe and Alberto was allegedly still married to another woman at the time. But these two seem to be tighter than ever and their connection seems to grow every day.

Some would also say their relationship has meant the diminishment of Paige’s status in WWE. There are some who even subscribe to the idea that WWE actively tried to break them up by speaking to them and even splitting the two up during the brand extension draft by placing one on Smackdown Live and the other on Raw.

Paige was plugging her family’s WAW event recently where Alberto (who is Mexican) was scheduled to be the main event. She made a loving comment about Alberto being her Mexican, and some people lost their minds.

Paige has never been one to let someone fire off at the mouth (or fingers) and let it slide without standing up for herself. She replied with a very well worded remark that seemingly shut her haters down.

Even though she seemed to put her misinterpretation to rest, there were still some people out there who carried on with the fight.

Apparently, Papi finally had enough and he came to the defense of not only his lady, but himself as well.

Hopefully, this puts things to rest. Paige is a pale caucasian British woman and she’s dating a tan Mexican man. This isn’t anything new, and it only shows how uncomfortable some people can get with the truth when you spell it out for them.

We here at Still Real To Us totally support The Pride of Mexico and the WWE’s Favorite British Crumpet. You guys do you and don’t let the haters get you down.

Fans aren’t happy about WWE Fastlane and we’re talking all about it on this week’s episode of Still Real Radio. Let us know how you felt about the pay-per-view and you can check out the latest episode below and on iTunes by clicking here.


  1. I’m honestly sick of all the butt hurt people that want to defend every fucking thing in this world. I’m fairly sure she had no malice behind her tweets. She was being cute and endearing. That’s about it. It’s not like she was saying, “My spic will…” No, she was describing what he is: A Mexican! It’d be like if I said “My Japanese partner will…” It’s no different. Grow up, people.

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  3. Guess what? He IS Mexican. And he IS hers. If he was from Poughkeepsie and she said “… my American will be there.”, you fucktards wouldn’t have said a word. The question: Is he a Mexican National? Yes? Then shut those vaginas under your noses and quit crying like the Big Ol’ Puta that you are.


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