Bully Ray Issues Statement On Incident With Fan At ROH Event


A fan recently took to Twitter to share a story about an incident that happened at a ROH event over the weekend.

The fan claimed that during the show he exchanged words with Allure (Mandy Leon, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love) and he said that he was mouthing off to them because they were heels.

He went on to claim that Velvet Sky lost her cool, called him a “p***y” and challenged him to get in he ring.

Following the exchange he was taken backstage by security where he had a face to face meeting with Bully Ray who the fan says tried to intimidate him, and Bully allegedly said, “So here’s the deal. You’re done talking down to them. You need to treat them with respect. Don’t be saying anything you wouldn’t say to your mom, you got it?!”

ROH issued their own statement saying they would be conducting an internal review, and now Bully has issued a statement of his own which reads as follows:

“And now the TRUTH…

I could not have been any nicer to the “fan.” Yes, NICE…hard to believe. I NEVER threatened, intimidated or berated said “fan.” I handled the situation the exact opposite way most would assume, with decorum.

Convo lasted less than 30 secs. I even gave the fan a friendly pat on the back and told him to enjoy the show and “go be a fan.” His response… “Thanks Bully.”

Fan version of the story is embellished to make fan look like a “victim.”

Many other fans who attended the shows in Kent and Portland have already confirmed on social media how said fan “crossed the line” w/ multiple talents…both men and women.

In Retrospect, the “fan” should have been ejected.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t until after the “fan” was asked not to be “so rude,” did we find out the severity of the vile comments and lewd sexual gestures made towards the women.

I think we can all agree that in 2019, this time of behavior towards women is unacceptable and goes far beyond the scope of… “I paid for my seat, I should be able to do or say whatever I want.”

I live by the motto… “Respectful fans always get what they want…Rude fans always get what they deserve.”

At the end of the day, I’m guilty of defending 3 women that needed a bit of defending. Not by being a bully… by being a man.”



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