Brie Bella Talks About Living With The Cameras For Total Divas


Brie Bella recently spoke with Bang Showbiz to promote Total Divas and talked about Daniel Bryan filming for the show:

”When we started ‘Total Divas’ it was really hard at first, because you notice the cameras. But after around two weeks we just totally didn’t notice them. My sister is very loud and funny, and as you can see I’m much quieter than her and so is Daniel. He would just be at our house, staring at the crew and would say, ‘We don’t live an exciting life, is this fun for you guys? Because we don’t know if this is fun.’ They were like, ‘This is great, pretend we’re not here, don’t talk to us.’ Now we’re so used to it, we’ll say things and then we’ll look at each other and be like, ‘Gosh, did they catch that?’ ”


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