braun strowman

So far 2017 has been a great year for Braun Strowman. He’s been involved in some of the most memorable moments on Raw, and he’s made a big name for himself over the past few months. Strowman has become somewhat of a fan favorite, and he’s pretty hard to hate because there’s just something so satisfying about watching him destroy everything in his path.

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This week Braun Strowman battled Big Show in a steel cage match on Monday Night Raw, and the massive WWE Superstars did not disappoint. Strowman and Show have received a lot of praise for their previous matches together, and this time around Strowman decided to tip his hat to the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Strowman notes in his bio on Instagram that his posts reflect his personality, and not the character he plays on TV, so it appears that his latest post was from the heart. The Monster Among Men praised the Big Show when he posted the following:

“As if we didn’t turn the whole worlds eyes on us the first two times. We gave u a third one of a kinda never to be seen again fight!!!!! We are the last of a dying breed I said it about our first two matches and I’ll say it about this one as well you will never see anything think like this anywhere in the world and may never see anything like it again!!!!! I tip my hat to you #BigShow you brought the fight to me every time and have pushed me to dig deeper and deeper to find a way to beat you and I thank you because you brought 100% of the monster out in me!!!!!!”