Former WWE Champion Batista made his return to the ring not too long ago when he faced off against Triple H at WrestleMania 35.

During his entrance Batista tripped on a ring rope and sort of fell into the ring. The Animal opened up about his WrestleMania 35 experience while talking to Chris Van Vliet, and he noted that the entrance mishap put him at ease.

“I tripped. I think one of my boots got stuck on the rope. I was so worked up before that and after I tripped, I just had fun. It was fun and I had fun. I just went out there and started living in that moment because I knew it was the last time I was going to be there…that put me at ease believe it or not. I got out of that car, I was terrified and nervous, I was cold again. I was concerned about way too much other than our match and after I tripped, it all went away.”

After Triple H defeated him at WrestleMania, Batista took to social media to announce his retirement, and he made it clear that he has no plans to return to the ring.

“This is the real wrestling retirement. I am done. My in-ring career is over. I would love to go back on the show because I love the company and I believe in the product. So I would go back onto the show and if they ask me to go into the Hall Of Fame I will, but I will not have another match. I will go broke before I have another wresting match and I will not go and wrestle for another promotion. It’s not going to happen.”