austin aries

Fans waited a long time for Austin Aries to sign with WWE and he finally made his debut with the NXT brand in 2016. Aries suffered an injury that prevented him from wrestling in NXT and he later made his debut on the main roster as a commentator and then eventually a wrestler after his injury healed.

Unfortunately for fans of Austin Aries, his run on the main roster didn’t last very long as he decided to part ways with the company after he was relegated to the cruiserweight division.

Even though his WWE run was brief, he still got a lot of fans talking and one of the things everyone was constantly trying to figure out is why Aries kept a banana in his pocket. During a recent appearance on The Tomorrow Show, Austin Aries explained that he brought a banana to the Hall of Fame ceremony because he figured it would come in handy in a pinch.

“I’m just going to say this about the banana. The Hall Of Fame is long, okay? And I saw lots of people dressed to impress that night. Lots of nice suits. Lots of nice dresses. Let me tell you something, about three and a half hours in, I guarantee about 40 percent of that audience wished they had a banana in their pocket instead of a pocket square, because I got famished,” Aries explained. “I was running low on some energy, and that pocket square wouldn’t do me any good. But I got a nice little shot of some natural sugars and potassium, and then I just used my sleeve to wipe my mouth off. And I didn’t need the pocket square. So sometimes the thing comes in handy in a pinch. You never know.”

In regards to why he continued to keep a banana in his pocket, Aries noticed that people were intrigued by the banana, so he decided it was a good way to get people talking.

“There’s nothing unpredictable about this whatsoever,” he said. “So when all of a sudden some guy randomly has a banana in his pocket and everyone goes, ‘What’s with the banana?’ Exactly! You’re asking a question and you’re intrigued by something, how refreshing. And the minute I tell you why the banana, now you don’t care. And maybe there isn’t a why, and maybe there is, and maybe I’m never gonna tell you. There’s nothing better than when people see bananas, now they think of me.”

You can check out the full interview below.