Daniel Bryan Reveals Who He Wants To Win The Cruiserweight Classic


WWE’s Cruiserweight Classic will be kicking off soon and the participants are keeping busy training at the WWE Performance Center. WWE recently revealed that a former World Heavyweight Champion will be a part of the event when they announced that Daniel Bryan and Mauro Ranallo will be teaming up to host the Cruiserweight Classic. WWE caught up with Daniel Bryan to ask him what he thinks about the tournament, who he wants to win and more.

The tournament will feature talented performers from different countries all over the world and Daniel Bryan says that he thinks the tournament is awesome. He put over the concept saying that it draws in wrestlers who are considered to be the best in their home countries and he’s excited to see everyone perform. He was asked who he thinks is going to stand out and he said that he thinks a lot of people are going to stand out and added that the cruiserweight style is a style that makes people stand out. When it came to specific names Daniel Bryan mentioned Kota Ibushi, Zack Sabre Jr., and Drew Gulak as guys to watch.

As far as who he wants to win the tournament he said he wants to see Brian Kendrick win. Daniel says that he wants to see Brian Kendrick win because he wrestled his first match against him and they came up together.

You can check out the full clip below.

Daniel Bryan discusses being part of the Cruiserweight Classic: June 23, 2016




  1. Honestly would’ve been damn near insulted if he didn’t say Brian Kendrick. They tagged together (even becoming champions) back in TNA under “Spanks and The American Dragon”


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