Back in 2019 a movie about Paige’s life was released titled “Fighting With My Family” and the film featured some familiar faces. AJ Lee was one of Paige’s greatest rivals, and in the film AJ Lee was played by current WWE Superstar Zelina Vega.

During a recent interview with WrestleTalk, Zelina Vega was asked if she wants to see AJ Lee return to the ring, and she confirmed that she does while also discussing what CM Punk said to her while she was preparing for her role as AJ in the film.

“I would love to see AJ back. I would love to have that SpiderMan moment of like… (plays out the SpiderMan pointing meme). It’s funny to have somebody else from the north-east to be able to say, ‘Wow, she made it’, because she was the blueprint for a while, she was that girl, so it’s cool to, number one, to even have that opportunity to play her in the movie.

I probably listened to her voice for so many hours and hours to make sure I could get the pitch and everything right. When I told Punk that, he was just like, ‘You probably listen to her more than I have, that’s interesting.'”

Even though there are plenty of people who want to see AJ Lee return she’s adamant that she will remain retired, and it doesn’t look like her status is going to change anytime soon.