
Several WWE Superstars such as Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins, John Cena and more have recently returned from injury and everyone’s doing their best to stay healthy. Unfortunately for Heath Slater, lucky wasn’t on his side during the WWE live event in Bangor, ME on Saturday night.

Heath Slater took on his old tag team partner Titus O’Neil at the event and he was busted wide open. The match was stopped and Titus O’Neil was declared the winner of the contest. WWE.com posted the following message from Dr. Stephen Daquino who was on site:

“Heath has a six centimeter laceration above his right eye. It was quite open, right down to the bone. He got 18 sutures and hopefully that will close it up.”

Heath Slater also posted a photo of the laceration on Twitter and you can check it out below.




  1. Please tell me I’m not the only one disgusted by this being 1)referred to as an injury and 2)the reason they stop a match.