Back in 2016 there was an attempt to revive the WWE cruiserweight division and the company brought some talented wrestlers together to compete in the Cruiserweight Classic. Cedric Alexander was one of the names who competed in the tournament, but he was eliminated by Kota Ibushi in a match that received a lot of praise at the time.

Cedric Alexander went on to sign a contract with WWE and he also managed to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship later on. Since then Cedric’s run with WWE has had its ups and downs, but he recently posted a video of his match with Kota Ibushi and noted that it was “A different time.”

The former champion also posted a clip of Triple H showing him respect and pointed out that he started out in WWE as a Triple H guy.

In the years that followed his WWE debut Cedric Alexander achieved success as a member of The Hurt Business and he even managed to win the Raw Tag Team Titles with Shelton Benjamin. However, Cedric hasn’t been appearing on WWE programming consistently ever since The Hurt Business broke up.

Do you think WWE should be doing more with Cedric Alexander? Sound off in the comments below.