WWE Monday Night Raw Results 6/30/2014


The show opens with Triple H and Stephanie talking about Money in the Bank. John Cena comes out to the ring. They announce that Cena is on the cover of WWE2K15 and that he will defend his title against Roman Reigns, Kane and Randy Orton in a fatal four way at Battleground.

– Seth Rollins def. Rob Van Dam

Lots of action. The crowd loved this match. Rollins gets the win with the curb stomp.

After the match Rollins cuts a promo. Ambrose interrupts and says every time Rollins tries to cash in he will stop him.

Lana comes out with Rusev and they get interrupted by Swagger and Zeb. A feud between Rusev and Swagger is teased.

– The Wyatt Family def. Sheamus & The Usos

Harper gets the win with a big clothesline.

Backstage Stephanie McMahon announces that Nikki Bella will face the Funkadactyls in a handicapped match.

Bo Dallas comes out and tells us to Bo-Lieve.

– The Funkadactyls def. Nikki Bella

Naomi pins Nikki after a cross body.

– Kofi Kingston def. Cesaro

The match ended during the commercial break so not sure how Kofi got the win. After the match Cesaro beats down Kofi.

– The Great Khali def. Damien Sandow (Vince McMahon)

Damien Sandow comes out dressed as Mr. McMahon. Great Khali hits him once in the head and wins.

The Miz returns and cuts a promo only the be interrupted by Chris Jericho. Jericho hits Miz with the codebreaker and then gets on the mic. He starts the to talk and the lights go out. The lights come back on and The Wyatt Family is in the ring. The Wyatts destroy Jericho as we go to commercial.

– Dolph Ziggler def. Fandango

Summer Rae gets in the ring and starts making out with Dolph Ziggler. Fandango is confused. Dolph grabs Summer again and continues to make out with her. Fandango is distracted, Ziggler hits the Zig Zag for the win.

– Goldust & Stardust def. RybAxel

– WWE Divas Championship – AJ Lee def. Paige

Paige comes out to cut a promo. AJ Lee interrupts. Paige offers to defend the title against AJ on the spot and then loses the match.

– John Cena & Roman Reigns def. Randy Orton & Kane via disqualification

Kane hits Cena with the steps and gets disqualified. After the match Kane tombstones Cena. Rollins comes out to cash in but Ambrose chases him off. Kane grabs a chair and goes to beat down Cena but Reigns hits Kane with a spear. Triple H then has a stare down with Reigns as the crowd goes wild to end the show.



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