WWE Has A Golden Opportunity To Make A New Star At Money In The Bank


As we all know by now, Daniel Bryan has been stripped of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The Authority has decided that a new champion will be crowned at the Money In the Bank pay-per-view via a Money In the Bank ladder match. After all that he went through to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion it’s extremely unfortunate that Daniel Bryan suffered such an ill timed injury and had to be stripped of the title. With that being said, WWE needs to turn a negative into a positive here and they aren’t going to be able to do that if they insist on walking down the same old path they’ve traveled for the past 10 years.

SPOILERS beyond this point…you’ve been warned.

Randy Orton has already been confirmed for the match and we would be stupid to think that John Cena won’t be participating as well. The last thing WWE needs and the last thing that the fans want at this point is to see either man hold the title again. It’s done, it’s over with, we’ve had enough. No disrespect to either performer, but we get it. WWE wants us to believe they’re the greatest of this generation…we get it.

In my opinion the single biggest mistake WWE made during the PG Era was pass the championship back and forth between Randy Orton and John Cena too many times. In no way am I saying Cena and Orton didn’t deserve to be champion but WWE’s reluctance to throw more people into the mix hurt the product big time. Luckily 2014 has been a different year so far and WWE seems much more willing to create new stars. Let’s take a look at how WWE could build a new star at Money In the Bank and who they should choose to do it with.



Alberto Del Rio


Nothing against Alberto, he’s talented, he can put on some great matches with the right people but the cold harsh truth is that this man is nothing more than a “B + player.” Alberto has had his chance over and over and over and over again yet he’s failed to get over with every opportunity he’s been given. He adds value to the WWE product but he simply just doesn’t belong in the main event. If Alberto Del Rio hasn’t worked as champion before, there’s no reason to think it will work this time.





There’s really no reason to believe that Sheamus as WWE World Heavyweight Champion couldn’t work, but the fans are calling for a heel turn and it’s time to give it to them. Sheamus is an excellent performer and he works well with just about anyone. His smash mouth in ring style makes him a believable champion and although he’s held the title before we can’t help but feel like he has yet to reach his full potential.

The fans that are enjoying Sheamus’ Irish John Cena character are few and far between. He’s a great wrestler, he’s entertaining in the ring but it’s time for a character change. Having Sheamus turn heel and possibly aligning him with The Authority would be a good move. He’s got all the tools to be the top dog in the WWE, but the fact of the matter is he’s not going to be able to do it as a good guy.





Cesaro is excellent and he’s picked up some major momentum as of late. Rumors have recently suggested that he was a favorite to win the Money In the Bank briefcase this year and now that he’s competing for the title instead we have to wonder if he’s a favorite to win that as well. To say that Cesaro would make a believable champion is an understatement. Any man that can hit the Cesaro Swing on Brodus Clay or The Great Khali is legitimately strong. Having Paul Heyman by his side certainly doesn’t hurt his chances of becoming champion at all.

The only problem with Cesaro is that we can’t help but feel as if him becoming champion would come off better if it happened further down the road but WWE is in a spot where they need to make some magic happen right now. With that being said, making it happen right now certainly wouldn’t be the worst call to make. Let Cesaro carry the belt, let Heyman carry the heat and you’ve got yourself a winning combination.



Bray Wyatt


This is where the most magical transformation could take place. Bray Wyatt has picked up some MAJOR momentum in recent weeks and the fans are loving it. Since debuting on the main roster last summer Bray has really come into his own. Instead of spouting off things that don’t make sense like he did when he first arrived on the scene, Bray has managed to choose his words wisely and the world is hanging on every single one. Bray as WWE World Heavyweight Champion is without a doubt a great choice and it would fit perfectly into his mission to brainwash the entire world. The whole world would be forced to listen to this man’s message once he’s holding the gold

At one point it was hard to believe that this gimmick was going to work but Bray hasn’t just hit a home run with his performance, he’s hit a grand slam. Bray Wyatt as WWE World Heavyweight Champion would get people talking more so than any other performer mentioned in this article. The fact of the matter is, WWE is in a unique situation right now and a unique champion might be just what the doctor ordered.



As you can see, WWE has some options here as to who they can make their new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Whatever they decide, we beg of you WWE, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t regress by depending on old faithful (i.e. Randy Orton or John Cena). The company has made huge steps toward building the next generation recently and now is not the time to stop the progress. Putting the belt on Cena or Orton would stop the WWE’s momentum dead in its tracks.

WWE you’ve got a great chance to make a new star here. Don’t screw it up.



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