Why EC3 Is Getting Called Up To The Main Roster


WWE recently announced that Lars Sullivan is set to be called up to the main roster, and this week on Raw it was also announced that EC3, Nikki Cross, Lacey Evans and Heavy Machinery are getting called up soon.

EC3 joined NXT this year, and it seems that there’s still a lot he could do with the brand before joining the main roster.

However, the Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that there are no real plans for EC3 in NXT.

There are no plans to put the former Impact World Champion in the NXT main event scene, and he’s been in WWE developmental before, so he’s getting his shot at the main roster now.

EC3 has a good physique, which is something Vince McMahon likes, but it’s being said that Vince will look at him and likely make a quick decision which will determine his fate on the main roster.

Would you rather see EC3 join Raw or SmackDown Live? Sound off in the comments below.


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