It makes us really happy when someone we’ve been rooting for all this time finally seems to catch a break. Although we can’t always root for the winners, it’s amazing when it happens to someone we really like especially someone like Cody Rhodes.
When Cody captured the ROH World Championship at ROH’s Best In The World on Friday Night the internet exploded with congratulations for the 2nd generation superstar. But through all of the happy words of encouragement Rhodes might have come at him, Cody still has time to stop and pontificate the true meaning of this career landmark.
Cody cut an outstanding promo with his new ROH title after his victory and it’s so intense it kind of gives us chills. With his lip still busted open and bleeding he speaks precisely as he wonders where he fits into the animal kingdom known as professional wrestling.
While using brilliant metaphors he realized he isn’t an animal at all. In fact, he’s a human up on a hill with a rifle firing down at his animal competition. It’s the kind of promo that wouldn’t make it on WWE television, that’s for sure. Vince McMahon doesn’t play around with guns. Not only has Vince learned his lessons in the past but they’ve got way too many outside partnerships to risk a gun scandal.
But Cody isn’t in WWE anymore and he doesn’t seem to regret that at all while he looks in the mirror studying himself holding the ROH World Championship. He says The Prince has become a King with an intensity unlike anything we’ve ever seen from him so far.
He also calls out Sinclair Broadcasting because he’s not under contract, even though he is obviously under some kind of contract (ROH wouldn’t give him the title without a deal in place). But technically he’s holding their title hostage. Needless to say, he has some pretty heavy bargaining chips for his contract negotiations. He is a King now and Cody has never looked better.