Vince Russo Issues Unique Apology To Jim Cornette


There is even more fuel to the fire in the Jim Cornette/Vince Russo beef. We previously reported exactly what Jim Cornette said in a profanity filled promo on Russo. Corney raged on Vince Russo at the end of his podcast challenging Vince to a fight and put up $5,000 to get his hands on him.

Vince Russo is never one to hold his opinion either and he was quick to respond to Cornette’s challenge. He posed this as an apology but it was in mocking fashion to say the least. He claimed he came in sincerity and all humbleness and put on a real act to appear genuine.

Russo claimed Jim Cornette’s rant was a comedy routine and Jim had actually left a very similar message on Vince Russo’s voicemail before that his entire family heard where he threatened to kill them all. Russo said $5,000 is nothing and not worth his time. He claims to be doing just fine as he is employed by the #1 podcasting company PodCastOne right now.

He wanted to make a point that he lived on five acres and owned his home due to all the money he’s made in the wrestling business. Obviously Russo wanted to make it clear that he wasn’t living in his in-laws’ basement.

Vince said he would never want to fight someone like Jim Cornette. He said Corney had a Kamala-like belly and compared his limbs to Gumby. But in the end Vince said there won’t be any personal attacks on Jim’s family like Cornette threatened to do with Russo.

Instead Russo said it was personal between himself and Jim Cornette. Russo said in the end all of the problems between the two boiled down to Corney looking for an apology from Vince Russo.

Russo said he came to the conclusion today while he was mowing his estate that he owed Jim Cornette that apology. Russo proceeded to say he apologizes for a lot of things including Cornette blowing out his knees when he fell off a scaffold because he was a mark that did know how to take a bump at Starrcade ’86.

Vince apologized for Cornette putting Smokey Mountain Wrestling out of business, being fired from ROH for a public outburst, and being fired from WWE for assaulting Santino Marella in OVW. Vince didn’t explicitly mention Santino’s name but we knew what he was talking about.

The message went on a bit more and was both mocking and insincere. This only adds to the now storied rivalry of Jim Cornette and Vince Russo. You can watch the entire apology video below.

Vince Russo's Public Apology to Jim Cornette


  1. I tried to give Russo’s podcast another go, but NOPE, couldn’t do it. The guy things he and he alone is responsible for the ratings during the AE. No one EVER said, “Hey let’s watch this because Vince Russo wrote it”.

  2. I wish Russo would just take the damn money, and let Corny end him. I really wanted to like him, but I just can’t.


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