Vince McMahon Had To Be Talked Out Of Bringing Brawl For All Back In NXT


Over the years fans have seen some crazy things on WWE programming, and the Brawl For All tournament was controversial to say the least.

The tournament was highlighted in a recent episode of Vice’s Dark Side of the Ring, and former WWE writer John Piermarini took to Twitter to praise the team involved with the show.

He also revealed that Vince McMahon wanted to do another Brawl For All tournament in the original NXT, but he was talked out of it.

“@jasoneisener @evanhusney incredible job with both seasons of @DarkSideOfRing. Funny story – while on creative in either 2009 or 2010 Vince wanted to do another Brawl For All with the guys competing on NXT (in its original format). He had to be talked out of it.”

Brawl For All was a shoot fight tournament that took place in 1998 which resulted in competitors suffered legitimate injuries. Bart Gunn defeated JBL in the finals to win the tournament.


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