Triple H Says Roman Reigns Is One Of The Most Skilled Performers In WWE

triple h

Triple H and Roman Reigns have had their issues in the past, and Friday night they’ll be facing off once again in Abu Dhabi.

Reigns defeated Triple H in the main event of WrestleMania 32, and this year he defeated The Undertaker in the main event of WrestleMania 33. Reigns has headlined the last three WrestleManias, but yet a big portion on the fan base still refuses to accept him as the top star.

Triple H recently spoke to The National about his upcoming match with Roman Reigns, and he said that despite what the fans might think, Roman is one of the most skilled performers in WWE right now.

“Roman is in an unique position because the fan base tends to believe that he is this chosen one that the WWE wants in this position so they choose not to accept that position. But the truth is, and some people will listen to this and want to argue against it, but honestly most of the people who argue against it aren’t qualified to make that argument. I am. Roman is one of the most skilled performers bar none in the WWE right now and that is on every level.”

Triple H transitioned to a backstage role in WWE several years ago, but he has been active in the ring over the past few months. According to the former WWE World Champion he still gets a rush from wrestling in front of the fans.

“Right now it is still fun for me. It is still something that I enjoy. I don’t think that I’ll ever not enjoy it, stepping out in front of the WWE Universe. When I do something in the office there aren’t 10,000 people screaming and cheering so it is not quite the excitement level that performing is.”

Do you agree with what Triple H had to say about Roman Reigns? Sound off in the comments below.


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