Tony Schiavone On 4 Horsemen Holding Resentment Toward Dusty Rhodes


During the 4 Horsemen’s epic run they had many battles with Dusty Rhodes. On a recent episode of What Happened When, Tony Schiavone and co-host Conrad Thompson went into all things 4 Horsemen.

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Schiavone was asked about any resentment the 4 Horsemen might have held toward Dusty Rhodes who had become notorious at the time for booking matches so he would come out on top. Tony was very close to the Horsemen back in the day and he spoke about the subject very matter-of-factly.

“The Horsemen were always very vocal to me and upset about Dusty continuing to put himself over, Tully being the one that was the most vocal” Schiavone said. “But they knew they were making money. So they rode the train as long as it would go and I always remembered, and I don’t know if this was bulls–t or if this was guys being really guys. I always remember Flair and Dusty getting on a plane together — like a private plane. You know how the Crocketts had a private plane? After working a match [Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes would be] hugging each other and thanking each other for the match. Tully would do the same thing with Dusty. Arn — all of them. After the match was over would always hug each other and say ‘great match’ and appreciate what the other ones did.”

“So they may have bitched about it and there may have been some heat out there. But I think in effect they were all teammates and they all loved each other for that purpose. The fact Dusty continued to put himself over got a lot of heat with people — but you know what? We were making money back then. So what the hell?”

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit What Happened When with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription


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