WrestleMania 40 has come and gone, but the wrestling world is still talking about some of the big moments that transpired during the two night event.

Cody Rhodes successfully defeated Roman Reigns in the main event of night two and the match featured several cameos from names like The Undertaker, John Cena and The Rock. The Undertaker got people talking when he appeared behind The Rock and he chokeslammed The Final Boss.

During a recent appearance on Busted Open Radio, The Undertaker explained that talks about a possible appearance kicked off when he got a call from Triple H who asked if he would be interested in getting involved. Taker noted that he told Triple H he was willing to do whatever was needed as long as everyone was on board with him being part of the match. In the days leading up to WrestleMania ideas for the match were discussed and plans for The Undertaker were finalized.

“So then I don’t hear anything for a couple of days. I pack up the family, everybody goes to Philadelphia. I think it was Thursday, I was about to do my OneDeadMan show. I text Micheal Hayes, I hadn’t heard anything in a couple of days, im talking radio silence. I text Michael Hayes and I say, Mike, do you know anything? What’s the thought? He said, ‘We’re meeting later today, I’ll let you know.’

So I get to the OneDeadMan show, I’m about 15 or 20 minutes from going on and I get a text from Heyman. I was like, nope, ain’t doing this one. The first 45 minutes of my show is completely written and it’s in my head, there’s no way I’m taking a call from Paul Heyman at this point. Then, Paul texts somebody else, as Paul would do. Somebody comes into the dressing room, ‘Hey, Paul Heyman would like for you to call or text him back.’ I was like, ‘I bet he would.’ [laughs] So, I blew Paul off that night and then I saw him a little bit on Friday and nothing was really said.

We get to Saturday, now it’s a possibility. We’re thinking, will you be there at such and such time and we can talk. Sunday, I’m up in the suite, I’m having a great time with my family and I get a text that says, ‘Hey, we’re meeting downstairs in 20 minutes.’ So I go downstairs and bang, it’s all laid out. That’s how it all happened.”

H/T Fightful