The Rock recently did an interview with Sports Illustrated’s Extra Mustard blog about his WWE career and more. You can check out the full article HERE and read some highlights below.

If He Was Surprised Roman Got Booed When He Won The Rumble:

“I wasn’t surprised by the reaction at all,” he said. “That’s the beauty of Philly. I have felt that from Philly on both ends, as a heel and a baby face. Roman was getting booed in every city, and I just knew – we all knew – well, Philly was going to be worse.”

“The only advice I gave Roman was that you just need to stay the course,” said Johnson. “It’s a unique dynamic and relationship that you have with the fans in wrestling. They’re passionate, just like you’re passionate, but they know it’s a work, just like you know it’s a work. It’s this fine balance you have to find between just staying the course and continue to cut your teeth every night by putting in good performances.”

“Eventually, he’ll overcome that,” said Johnson. “But here is the key – you’ll only overcome that if you are real. You’ve got to be authentic in your performances. The moment they start smelling, ‘That’s not real. You don’t really talk that way, you really don’t feel that way,’ then you cancel Christmas.”

If He Will Wrestle Triple H At WrestleMania 32:

“Look, the platform is there, you have Dallas and could set an attendance record, so that’s the first goal. And then what is the match that allows us to do that? I’ve had incredible matches with Triple H, so I’m not ruling it out, but I’m not saying it is going to happen.”

“We continue to talk about it, and we’re still shooting each other text messages. He sent me a message from Dallas that said, ‘This could be us. The record is ours.’ So we’ll see.”