Tags Big E Langston

Tag: Big E Langston

10 Current Wrestling Stars With Hollywood Potential

Okay, let's just start out by saying WWE Studios pictures don't count here. If you're going to read this list and say, "But Varble,...

Big E Talks About How Much Say He Has Over His...

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston recently spoke with AZCentral.com and was asked how much say he had into his character. He replied: "There’s always give and...

Big E Langston Talks About Social Media’s Impact On Wrestling

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston recently spoke with Knockout Nation. Here are some highlights: Knockout Nation: Some wrestlers debut by squashing the biggest name in wrestling...

WWE Looking To Unify The US And IC Title

WWE has been teasing a unification of the US and IC title for a few weeks now. They recently did a feature (which you...

WWE Asks Fans If Big E Langston Will Ever Be WWE...

WWE's website has a new poll up asking fans if they think Big E Langston is a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion. With over...

Big E Langston And JBL Say Goodbye To Kaitlyn

Big E Langston said his goodbyes to Kaitlyn and posted the following picture of the the two of them together.   JBL also commented on Kaitlyn's...

Big E And Dean Ambrose Talk To WWE About Unifying The...

WWE's website has a new article up asking if the United States Title and the Intercontinental Title should be unified. Find out what Big E and...

Big E Langston Talks About John Cena, Batista Possibly Returning

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston recently spoke with Chad Dukes of ChadDukesWrestlingShow.com and mentioned there has been talk of Batista returning. Here are some highlights: John...

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WWE Hall Of Famer Done With The Company

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