Spoiler: Another Big Title Change At Impact Wrestling TV Tapings

impact wrestling

You just never know what’s going to happen when you attend a set of Impact Wrestling TV tapings, and over the past few days the company has been bringing surprises to fans at the tapings in Orlando, Florida.

Names from the past have returned, a new star has debuted, and so far there have been several title changes that have taken place.

The Impact Global Championship, and the X-Division Championship recently changed hands, and on Friday night the Impact Knockouts Championship changed hands as well.

Allie challenged Laurel Van Ness for the title, and in the end it was Allie who walked out with the Impact Knockouts Championship. This is the second time that Allie has won the championship.

With a new regime in charge at Impact, it appears that the company is trying to take things in a new direction right now, as some big title changes have taken place recently, and it’s safe to say that more surprises will be coming in the weeks ahead.

Impact is a company that’s been through quite a few setbacks throughout its history, but hopefully 2018 will be a better year for the promotion.


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