Triple H and Shawn Michaels managed to become some of the biggest stars in the industry when they were active professional wrestlers, and now they’re two of the most powerful people in WWE. Triple H is in charge of creative for the main roster while Shawn Michaels is leading the way for NXT.

Long before they came into power Triple H and Shawn Michaels were pitching ideas to Vince McMahon himself, but Michaels recently told TV Insider that their approach was sometimes seen as troublesome.

“I have to say, for the past several years of him and I working together, we’ve gotten used to it. It is pretty wild to fast-forward to all these years later. It is quite amazing that these two guys who were innovative and creative and who really wanted to grow the business from a performance standpoint and a creative standpoint and a television standpoint are still doing that. Back then, I think it was seen behind-the-scenes as troublesome, political — things like that.

Now, when you are in the position to be able to use that innovativeness and creativeness in a professional and executive manner, it’s really come full circle. We’re thrilled. It’s one of the things that keeps him and me young — the passion and love we have for this business as we continue to grow it and make WWE better and take it into the future.”