brock lesnar

Last summer Brock Lesnar made his return to UFC, and he defeated Mark Hunt at UFC 200. Many fans were surprised when the bout was announced due to Brock’s status with WWE, but the company didn’t seem to have any problem letting him step back into the octagon.

Related: Brock Lesnar’s Opinion Of Samoa Joe After Match At Great Balls Of Fire Revealed

Brock Lesnar’s victory was a big deal, but the victory was later tainted after it was revealed that he had failed his USADA drug tests which he was required to take in order to fight at UFC 200. The win was overturned, and Brock was suspended from fighting for one year, but now it’s rumored that the current WWE Universal Champion could very well be fighting inside the octagon once again before 2017 comes to an end.

Twitter user @TalkMMA, who has broken big stories in the past recently took to Twitter to say that Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman were at UFC headquarters during International Fight Week, and his return to MMA is imminent.

According to @TalkMMA, Brock Lesnar is back in the USADA testing pool, and it’s rumored that he will be dropping the Universal Title at SummerSlam.

It’s been rumored for weeks now that WWE officials are considering having Brock drop the belt at SummerSlam in favor of putting the belt on a star who appears on Raw every week, and rumor has it that Roman could be winning the title.

Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe faced off in a number 1 contenders match on Raw this week which was interrupted by Braun Strowman, and it looks like WWE is setting up a fatal 4 way match which will see Brock defend his belt against Strowman, Joe and Reigns at SummerSlam.

Twitter user @FrontRowBrian, who has also broken big MMA stories in the past backed the story up saying that Lesnar will be returning, although he doesn’t seem to think he’ll be returning at the November 4th event at Madison Square Garden.

Of course these are just rumors at the moment, so they’re far from confirmed, but as we’ve often seen in the past when it comes to rumors, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

On this week’s episode of Still Real Radio we’re talking about Samoa Joe’s performance in his big Universal Championship match with Brock Lesnar, as well as all the highlights from Great Balls of Fire. We also run down what could be next for The Hardys, AJ Styles’ big United States Championship win and more. You can subscribe to Still Real Radio on iTunes and check out the latest episode below.